Contest Participation Terms and Conditions

  • The contest is organized by the Ente Turistico del Luganese (Lugano Region), with registered office at Via Giovanni Nizzola 2, 6901 Lugano (TI) (hereinafter referred to as the "organizer").
  • Only persons resident in Switzerland and aged 18 years or over may take part in the contest. Excluded from participation are employees of Ente Turistico del Luganese and their families, prize game associations, automated services, and other commercial participants.
  • Only one participation per person is permitted.
  • The contest starts and ends on the dates indicated in the contest rules in accordance with the post published on the organizer's Facebook page or Instagram account.
  • The published post indicates the question of the contest, the method of participation in the contest, the prize to be won and the link to the web page where the terms and conditions of participation as well as the information on the processing of personal data by the organizer are stated.
  • The user of the social media channel that wants to take part in the contest must leave a comment under the relevant post within the deadline indicated in the same post, write the answer to the question asked by the organizer or answer with the required the emoji. The participation on Instagram takes place by using the specified hashtag and/or other possible indicated functions of the social media.
  • The publication of content, comments or photographs that are against the law, morals, the "Terms and Conditions of Participation" or of a political or offensive nature will result in immediate exclusion from the contest. The participant may be blocked from following and commenting on posts on the organizer's social media accounts.
  • The prize is offered by independent third parties over whom Ente Turistico del Luganese has no control and does not carry out any checks. Consequently, Ente Turistico del Luganese makes no guarantee as to the quality/availability/usefulness/timeliness of the prize and assumes no liability for any loss and/or damage arising from the use of the prize. By participating in the contest, the participant accepts these exclusions of warranty and liability in favour of Ente Turistico del Luganese.
  • By taking part in the contest, the participant accepts the applicability of Swiss substantive law, excluding the rules of international private law, as well as, in the event of a dispute, the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Court at the organizer’s headquarters.

Winner and Prizes

  • At the end of the contest, all participants entitled to take part in the contest will be randomly drawn using an automatic number generator. The participant wins if he/she is drawn, if he/she meets the participation requirements and if he/she has correctly answered to the question or commented with the required emoji.
  • The winner will be contacted by private message on his/her social media account; the winner must provide all personal data requested according to the purposes set out in the Privacy Policy.
  • If the participant / winner does not respond within three calendar days of sending the notification and / or does not demonstrate within the same period that he/she has fulfilled the requirements of participation, the winners claim to the prize will be automatically forfeited. In this case, another winner will be contacted.
  • Depending on the case, the prize will be sent electronically or by post.
  • The prize may not be transferred, assigned, exchanged, or converted into cash, except as otherwise provided in the contest or the prize voucher.  
  • If the prize is not used within the time limit indicated on the voucher, the winners claim to the prize will be automatically forfeited. The winner cannot assert any claims against the provider of the goods or services and/or against Ente Turistico del Luganese.

Information on the processing of personal data

What is this about?

When you participate in a contest on our social media pages, we collect information about you (hereinafter "personal data"). The purpose of this declaration is to inform you fully about the processing of your personal data.

Who are we and how can you contact us?

Ente Turistico del Luganese (Lugano Region) determines the purpose and means of the processing of your personal data. To communicate with us, please use the following contacts: (i) postal address: Via Giovanni Nizzola 2, 6901 Lugano (TI); (ii) telephone number: 0582206556; (iii) email:

Information on the processing of personal data

When you participate in a contest on our social media pages, we perform the following processing of personal data.

  • Personal data collected: participant profile data (first name, last name, pseudonym, nickname, social media affiliation), contest data (social media, post title, date and period of publication), requested activity data (e.g., comment on post, date and time of activity), winner data (first name, last name, date of birth, ID, address, phone number and email address)
  • Purposes of the processing: (i) to allow participation in the contest; (ii) to select the winner according to the contest conditions; (iii) to inform the winner (via private message); (iv) to mail or send to the winner the prize or the title representing the same; (v) to communicate the winner's personal data to the entity that has offered the prize at the latter's request (e.g. hotel, event organizer, restaurant, cinema, theater, etc.); (vi) to store the data related to the contest for tax, accounting and/or administrative purposes
  • Recipients: none, apart from the entity who has offered the prize (limited to the data relating to the prize and the winner)
  • Cross-border disclosure: none
  • Storage: within 30 days of the prize being awarded, personal data are destroyed or anonymized; relevant data for accounting purposes are stored for 10 years from the end of the accounting period in question
  • Source of the data: data subject; public profile of the participant on the social media concerned
  • Automated individual decisions: none
  • Applicable law: Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP; SR 235.1)

Processing of personal data by your social media network

We have no control over the processing of personal data carried out by the social media of which you are a member, so we do not carry out any checks or assume any responsibility in this respect. It is your duty to inform yourself by consulting the social media's policy before entering the contest.