About us

Thanks to a team of more than 50 employees, the Ente Turistico del Luganese (ETL) is responsible for the promotion and marketing of the tourism offering, the development of tailor-made products for guests by highlighting the region, tourist assistance and information, the maintenance of the region's network of hiking and mountain biking trails, the financing of events and the management of tourist taxes.  

In carrying out its work, the ETL cooperates with Switzerland Tourism (ST), the Agenzia Turistica Ticinese (ATT), the region's partners, accommodation facilities, trade associations, the Ente Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Luganese (ERSL) and the municipalities of the five districts. 

Hello there,

Welcome to the region of Lugano, where every corner holds surprises amidst breathtaking views, verdant nature, and a vibrant cultural and culinary scene.

I invite you to explore the numerous outdoor sporting opportunities, as a mountain biking enthusiast, a lover of mountain hikes, or someone seeking adventures on the lake. Losing yourself in Lugano's cultural scene is like discovering secrets of a big city, with hidden gems and charming places to explore. From a captivating square to lakeside aperitifs, the Lugano Region will pamper you with its gastronomic offerings. From Michelin-starred restaurants to the comforting flavors of a grotto, you'll find delights for every palate.

Here in Lugano, there are no forced definitions. Whether you're an adventurer, a sports enthusiast, an intellectual, or a food lover, the region adapts to your desires. In every season, Lugano is ready to embrace the definition you want to confer on it, because this region is yours, ready to be explored and savored.

You're most welcome!

Warm regards
Massimo Boni

Institutional information

The Ente Turistico del Luganese (ETL) is the Regional Tourist Organisation (RTO) of the Lugano agglomeration, consisting of five districts: Capriasca, Ceresio, Malcantone, Lugano and Vedeggio. "Lugano Region" serves as the logo and corporate identity.  
The ETL, in cooperation with the institutions (public) and tourist operators (private), works to promote the tourism offering around the Lugano area throughout the year while respecting sustainability and its territorial identity, animating and maintaining the network of cantonal footpaths and cycle paths, assisting and informing tourists and providing tourist promotion and marketing in the region.

Industry introduction

The aim of the ETL is to continue to increase the attractiveness of the region and its main attractions, so that the region becomes the leading destination in the South of Switzerland in the segments of Sport and Nature, Art and Culture, and Food and Wine united in an inclusive, unique and innovative experience for the visitor of tomorrow. 
To achieve this, the Destination Development Team works using a tactical approach, with the creation of products that embrace the region as a whole and across the four strategic segments and the marketing of offers or packages developed with partners. The Marketing and Product Communication Team then has the task of increasing the destination's Brand Perception by promoting the tourism offering, through marketing campaigns, newsletters, destination editorials, press trips and press conferences. These activities are combined with Social Media Marketing, where quality content is created, gives visibility to stakeholders and provides inspiration to visitors. 
Digitisation is one of the strategic focuses for the ETL, thanks to an up-to-date website, with streams and facilities designed to improve the user experience on different devices, the service is always user-friendly. The ETL also provides visitors with information and assistance, both remotely and during their stay through a renewed concept of an experiential Info Point. 

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Direction and strategic projects

As part of destination development, we promote and participate in projects that promote the region in cooperation with the Ente Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Luganese (ERSL), the Agenzia Turistica Ticinese (ATT), other Regional Tourist Organisations (RTOs) and strategic partners in the tourism industry. The aim of the projects is to make the region increasingly attractive and to meet the needs of visitors, as well as to make Lugano Region more competitive in the domestic and neighbouring markets. 

Starting in 2023, in relation to the four-year strategic and financial plan (2023-2026), the Ente Turistico del Luganese (ETL) will focus on four priority segments: Sport and Nature, Art and Culture, Enogastronomy and MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions). In addition, the following strategic pillars have been identified: hospitality, sustainability, CSR (corporate social responsibility), digitalisation and seasonal adjustment. 
Massimo Boni 
Director and strategic projects

For assistance or questions please do not hesitate to contact us
on +41 58 220 65 51.

Business Development & Product Management

In the Business Development and Product Management department, we work to foster destination growth through the identification of new opportunities. We develop and manage tourism products in cooperation with partners to increase the region's tourism offerings. We cooperate with other tourism organizations, public agencies and private partners to implement new projects on different levels.
We aim to provide our organization with more agility in creating collaborations with external partners, more preparation and framing of projects across internal sectors, as well as more planning both with regard to product development in collaboration with third parties and with regard to internal systems and projects. The relationships created enable product development and ensure the growth of the destination offer as a whole. Also within the scope of destination development figure sustainability projects, both internal and in collaboration with various partners.

Mattia Bertoli
Business Development & Product Management

For assistance or questions please do not hesitate to contact us
on +41 58 220 65 57.

Brand Management

With Brand Management we deal with the brand, corporate identity, graphics and everything visual about the region's tourism offering. We support the Marketing, Destination and Product Development departments with various digital tools and platforms for both data collection and management and content distribution. Our main objectives are to increase the visibility of the destination and to improve and expand the digital services offered to tourists, through the creation of graphics for both physical and digital media, via our website and related digital platforms. In collaboration with the Destination and Product Development department, we also aim to increase the presence of the partners' offers on digital sales platforms. Furthermore, we are expanding the range of tools and solutions available to our employees' activities.

Antonio Ravazza 
Brand Management

For assistance or questions please do not hesitate to contact us
on +41 58 220 65 54

Marketing , Product Communication and Sales 

With the Marketing division, we focus on the promotion of strategic product segments (Sport and Nature, Art and Culture, Food and Wine) and tactical campaigns with the aim of boosting overnight stays in the region and day tourists, maintaining high brand visibility in Switzerland and in foreign target markets. We collaborate with the region's tourism partners, the l’Agenzia Turistica Ticinese (ATT) and Switzerland Tourism (ST), on marketing projects and B2C/B2B events. In collaboration with the Marketing division, with the Product Communication department we take care of the drafting of press releases, newsletters and content for editorials, and build and maintain a constant relationship with the press in the target markets through the organisation of press trips, both in collaboration with the two press offices, for Switzerland/South Germany and Italy, and with ATT and ST. Sales activities are aimed at strengthening relations with travel agencies and tour operators (TO), in order to stimulate the sale of packages and overnight stays for the destination, through the provision of incentives and the organisation of study trips for specialists. 

Daniela Gugliotta Bagaian 
Marketing, Product Communication and Sales 

For assistance or questions please do not hesitate to contact us
on +41 58 220 65 56.

Hospitality Management

We provide advice in our tourist information offices located throughout the region: Lugano, Caslano and Morcote, as well as by e-mail, telephone or chat. In the centre of Lugano, starting from the 2024 season, a modern and innovative visitor centre will welcome tourists in a space designed to be up-to-date: an interactive map of the region will be available, to discover the various tourist attractions in the area, a day planner to plan one's day in an interactive manner, and a children's play corner to inspire even the youngest visitors. A pop-up area will allow you to discover the different suggestions of our local partners, who are present with their proposals on a rotating basis, while a relaxation area will allow you to consult the information material we produce, the media that speak about us, or just to relax while sipping a glass of water. We are a team with a passion for our region, aiming to provide personalised assistance according to your needs and ensure an even more memorable travel experience. 

Diana Bolis 
Hospitality Management 

For assistance or questions please do not hesitate to contact us
on +41 58 220 65 00 .