Monte Tamaro is committed to sustainability on various fronts


A tangible example of this is BRUNCH TO GO, a new tourism product offering a new, completely sustainable experience, and one which focuses on the use of local products.

Environmental Sustainability

Since 2020, the Alpe Foppa Restaurant only uses environmentally sustainable containers and has eliminated plastic, so the take-away brunch is served in an eco-friendly way. A brunch packed with wholly Ticino products, such as the Alpe Foppa cheese produced a few metres from the restaurant or the homemade cake, which can be bought inside a reusable organic cotton bag.

Sustainable projects

Last winter, the lighting in the parking area, the Camper Area and the tower of the Monte Tamaro departure station was completely replaced. A new system was implemented with the aim of optimising and limiting energy consumption: more than 30,000 kWh/year are now saved, which corresponds to the consumption of about 6 households (according to official CH consumption data).

Sustainable Future

Among the many sustainability projects, there is also the complete replacement of the cable car. The project includes the construction of a major photovoltaic system and various energy recovery measures. There are also plans to optimise internal processes in order to increase digitisation and decrease the use of paper. When discussing our sustainable initiatives with partners and customers, the feedback is always positive.

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