Happy Birthday Dad! – A Little Devil in Paradise



Wednesday: 14:30 / 17:00

Free entry

Family Concerts Happy Birthday Dad! – A Little Devil in Paradise

On Wednesday 19 March 2025, at 2.30 pm and 5 pm, as part of be connected and the LAC edu programme, the Family Concerts of the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana return. Particularly invited are children and their fathers, on the day dedicated to them. The appointment with the OSI is in Room 1 of the LAC, for the concert-show Auguri Papà! – Un Diavoletto in Paradiso, with music composed by OSI musician Katie Vitalie. The concert will be conducted by Maestro Georg Köhler and will feature a collaboration with the Ashkenazy Ballet Center (ABC). Admission is free, with compulsory reservation at www.osi.swiss.

Orchestra della Svizzera italiana

  • Conductor: Georg Köhler
  • Concept and text: Andreas Laake
  • Music: Katie Vitalie
  • Reciting voice: Claudio Moneta

In collaboration with the Scuola di Danza Ashkenazy Ballet Center (ABC) in Lugano and the apprentice stage operators (3rd year) of the Centro Tecnico Professionale (CPT) in Trevano (coordination: Marzio Picchetti).

Within the framework of LAC edu.

Information and reservations

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