Gastronomic tasting in the vineyard


We serve an aperitif of cured meats and artisan local cheeses, accompanied by our honey, preserves, wines and spirits of the company.

The Bacco Garden Association was founded in 2020, with the aim of producing and transforming the various products of nature, with particular attention to biodiversity and the delicate ecosystem of which they are part.

They encourage local consumption of local products, with an eye to consumer health.


Lard platter with honey, various cheeses with preserves of artisan onions, bread/focaccia and homemade breadsticks, all tasting white and red wine, closing with grappa and brandy.

To propose the experience:

  • Maximum 10 people per booking
  • Guided tour of the apiary
  • Personal protection suit for visit to the apiary
  • Aperitif of local cold cuts accompanied by wine, liqueurs and honey of the company
  • Reserve this original experience in the Bacco Garden! We are waiting for you!


08.06 - 01.12

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