Lugano Bike Nr.66 – Stage 1 – Lugano (Monte Brè) – Pairolo

Mountain Bike

In natural surroundings, yet close to town. Up the M. Brè by aerial cableway (from Suvigliana).

From Suvigliana by funicular railway you can reach the top of Monte Brè, from where you can admire the majestic gulf of Lugano. You then follow the Brè – Sonvico stretch on a single-track immersed in an area of particular natural beauty. A stop at Monte Roveraccio will let you enjoy its panoramic views of Lugano and its valleys, while upon reaching Capanna Pairolo, among beech woods and green pastures, you can admire the view as far as the Valais Alps and Monte Rosa.

  • Length


  • Height Difference

    Ascent: 1,231 m
    Descent: 801 m
    Show elevation profile

  • Durata

    4.20 h

  • Conditions


Push-only passage: Lugano – Pairolo approx. 30 min.