Festival Film Vert 2024



Sunday: 14:00 – 23:00

The Film Festival for a Sustainable Future!

2:00 pm

Virage vers le Futur! Mobilités Rurales: alternatives à la voiture individuelle

  • By Samantha Duris and Olivier Perrot (France, 2022) in French with Italian subtitles

Discussion on the topic of alternative mobility in our region with Francesca Cellina, researcher at the Applied Sustainability Institute for the Built Environment (SUPSI), coordinator of the MixMyRide project

4:00 pm

Plastique, le suicid collectif

  • by Peter Charaf (Switzerland,2022) in French

5:45 pm

Selection of short films, an for the curious

From 19:15 apéro in the cinema  with Andrea Di Iorio, maker of the short film 48 degrees, and the evening's guests.

8:30 pm

Il saccheggio del mare

  • by Philippe Blanc (Switzerland, 2023) in Italian

Until the end of the world

  • by Francesco De Augustinis (Italy, 2023) in English with Italian subtitles

Followed by a round table with directors Philippe Blanc and Francesco De Augustinis and Natalie Maspoli Taylor, director of Sea Shepherd Switzerland

Not only films..... also books!

During the day it will in fact be possible to buy books, and in the afternoon also the products of some of our supporters!


  • Single film: CHF 10.–
  • Subscription all Lugano films: CHF 30.–

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